In the fall/winter I make ש soup almost every day. And constantly looking to innovate :)
One evening I remembered I received from my organic food supplier a selection of beautiful roots (Jerusalem artichoke, carrots, parsley) and that I also have a considerable amount of Fava that I've brought from Greece.
Not to confuse, what the Greek call Fava is actually yellow or split peas. Fava Beans are actually called Broad Bean and are made of relatively large green pods. The Greek Fava make a wonderful delicious hummus-like spread and I turned it into soup.
Of course it's easy to prepare, nutritious and delicious.

What's in it?

1 cup Fava (yellow/split peas)
4-5 Jerusalem artichokes (depending on size)
1 parsley root
2 carrots
1 sweet potato
1 potato
1 red onion
3 garlic cloves
Spices: cumin, turmeric, salt, pepper
To serve: lemon, dried oregano, capers
How to make?
Cut the onion and garlic and stir lightly in olive oil
Add chopped vegetables - Jerusalem artichoke, parsley root, carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes and season with cumin, turmeric, salt and pepper
Add a cup of washed Fava
Fill with water up to an inch above the vegetables, bring to a boil and simmer partially covered
Cook for about 45 minutes and grind using hand blender
To serve, I sprinkled some dry Oregano, 1-2 capers and half a squeezed lemon
Some of the ingredients are excellent for the immune system such as garlic, onions, oregano. Jerusalem artichoke is excellent for treating diabetes and high cholesterol and high blood pressure. A cup of Fava contains 16 grams of protein (!) And 41 grams of carbohydrates (complex, excellent for lowering sugar) as well as iron, vitamin B and more.