My name is Gil Barzilay and I am a certified practitioner in Chinese and Japanese Medicine.
I graduated cum laude from a 4-year program in Chinese Medicine (acupuncture, herbs, nutrition) at Broshim Campus, Tel Aviv. In addition, I specialize in Chinese & Macrobiotic nutrition and completed a 2-year program in Japanese Acupuncture according to Kiiko Matusumoto. The world of Oriental medicine is broad and contains diverse treatment methods, so I am still studying and gaining further knowledge at congresses and seminars in Israel and abroad. I am a member of the Israeli Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine (IATCM).
Over the years, I have chosen to focus on treating people who are in the middle of their lives and older. I specialize in metabolic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, obesity), menopausal syndromes, insomnia, acute and chronic pain, headaches and migraines. I chose this practice because I connect well with people in these age groups, whose life experiences I value and with the understanding that maintaining good health becomes more challenging as we grow older.
Why & How I practice Chinese Medicine:
"The modern world has accustomed us to disproportionate amount of working hours, poor sleep, stress, and eating habits that are unhealthy and do not allow most of us to maintain balance and good health over time. Although we feel that we manage to overcome much of the daily chaos pretty well, our body remembers everything and expresses its frustration as a disease later in life.
I know the world of Western medicine and pharmaceutical drugs very intimately, but in too many cases the treatment is symptomatic and is often accompanied by side effects. In contrast, Chinese and Japanese medicines enable us to maintain health and restore balance because the diagnosis is holistic and considers body & mind, past & present, cause & symptom and the treatment is tailor-made, without risks or side effects.
In my treatments, I combine the ancient knowledge of these medicines and results accumulated from research and clinical studies conducted in hospitals all over the world. It is important for me not only to give my patients the best care, but to make sure that the changes are assimilated by guiding them closely so that that the benefits will be maintained over time”.

I am part of the teaching staff at Broshim Campus where I teach various courses related to the theory and practice of Chinese medicine. In addition, I teach "Chinese medicine research" and "Chinese medicine nutrition" in Israel and abroad. I am part of the ICCM - International Community for Chinese Medicine, which organizes the annual international congress of Chinese medicine, and the EBA - Evidence Based Acupuncture organization, which promotes research-based knowledge and understanding of Chinese medicine.
Before arriving at Chinese medicine, I studied molecular biology, and I have a B.Sc Honors from Imperial College, University of London, and a PhD from Oxford University, where I majored in cancer research. I also did a postdoctoral fellowship with a scholarship from the European Union (EMBO), at the Weizmann Institute, Israel. Over the years, I have published 11 peer-reviewed publications in leading medical journals. After completing my studies and post-graduate work, I worked for Teva Pharmaceuticals for 13 years, where I managed the field of Multiple Sclerosis.
I invite you to contact me today to see how Chinese & Japanese medicine can help you