My name is Gil Barzilay and I am a certified practitioner in Chinese and Japanese Medicine.
I graduated cum laude from a 4-year program in Chinese Medicine (acupuncture, herbs, nutrition) at Broshim Campus, Tel Aviv. In addition, I specialize in Chinese & Macrobiotic nutrition and completed a 2-year program in Japanese Acupuncture according to Kiiko Matusumoto. The world of Oriental medicine is broad and contains diverse treatment methods, so I am still studying and gaining further knowledge at congresses and seminars in Israel and abroad. I am a member of the Israeli Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine (IATCM).
Over the years, I have chosen to focus on treating people who are in the middle of their lives and older. I specialize in metabolic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, obesity), menopausal syndromes, insomnia, acute and chronic pain, headaches and migraines. I chose this practice because I connect well with people in these age groups, whose life experiences I value and with the understanding that maintaining good health becomes more challenging as we grow older.