Millet is a wonderful healthy grain, but suffers from bad reputation of being mainly "bird food".
It does have an "earthy" flavor, as most grains do and adds to the variety of of grain options in a meal together with rice, buckwheat, quinoa etc. And, it's easy to cook.
In terms of Chinese medicine, millet supports the "earth" and Digestive system and helps in resolving dampness, especially lower parts of the body. Nutritionally, it is gluten free, contains dietary fiber, high concentrations of the B vitamins (including folic acid), zinc, iron and others.
Try the wonderful recipe below by Eyal Shpringer - a Chinese medicine therapist, teacher and founder of the TEF method and owner of Healing Arts. You can also see additional interesting recipes here:

3 Parsley roots
1/2 Celery root
300g Pumpkin
3 Carrots
All roots cut to chunks
1 Onion
1 Leek
4 Green onions
All onions chopped coarsely and tossed lightly in a pan without oil
1/4 cup Millet, washed thoroughly
1 tsp Arame Seaweed soaked in water
1 tsp freshly grated ginger
1 flat tsp Turmeric
1 tbsp Sesame Oil
Salt & Pepper
Cook the Millet in 3 glasses of water and a pinch of salt for at least 25 minutes
Add all vegetables and Turmeric. Cook for additional 20 mins until vegetables are softer
Add Salt & Pepper, Sesame Oil
Using a handheld blender, blend some of the soup
Add the end of the cooking, add the Arame Seaweed & freshly ground ginger