For me, pies=winter. Being a spontaneous chef (for better or worse), means that the daily dish is made of what I find in the fridge or on the shelf. This pie is colorful, delicious, relatively healthy and easy to make.
What is needed?

8 grated zucchini, hand-squeeze well!
A bunch of Swiss Chard or Spinach, finely chopped
6 tablespoons Chickpea/buckwheat/Rye/Whole wheat
Half a teaspoon of baking powder
2 eggs Spices: Cumin, salt, pepper
Decoration: Rings from half a red onion 1 yellow or red beet, cut into thin slices Grated feta cheese Oregano
How to?
1. Mix the vegetables 2. Add the eggs, flour, baking powder and spices 3. Once poured into a baking tray, garnish the pie with the onion, beets, feta and oregano 4. Bake in a 180 degree oven for about 45 minutes